I will provide one-on-one fitness instruction to people desiring a program tailored to their specific needs. I will also evaluate your physical fitness and track your progress.
I will develop programs and choose exercises that provide the optimum results and take into account the activities you enjoy. I will act as a motivator to push you to your physical limits. I will also provide proper exercise instruction/demonstration and will motivate you to achieve your fitness goals.
As a client, you need to recognize the importance of guidance and teamwork in order to truly reap the maximum amount of benefits possible from your training. The old adage "you get out of it what you put into it" is definitely applicable in this situation, and the following steps will show you how to make sure you're getting the most out of your personal trainings.
Clearly outline your fitness goals. Come to your first session with a list of short-term and long-term goals that you would like to accomplish with me. Set reasonable deadlines to meet these goals and make sure that I know which goals are of highest priority for you. This will help keep both you and I on track and accountable.
Prepare your body for the workout. Hitting the bars the night before your training session is not on the list of "ways to maximize your workout." Get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. Preparing your body for the workout will insure that I can focus on pushing you beyond your comfort zone.
Bring water and a small towel. Staying hydrated during a workout is your responsibility. You will be reminded several times to hydrate during your session.